Elected to the Clayton City Council in 2020, Holly Tillman has listened to and fought for ALL Claytonians. She’s a strong and empathetic advocate for good governance, fiscal stability and our unique quality of life.
As a nonprofit executive and parent with a lifetime of experience in community service and finance, Holly is a strong voice for residents who want safe streets, beautiful neighborhoods, and accessible infrastructure on a sustainable budget.
Early Life, Education & Family:
Holly was born and raised in Barstow, California, a small town in the Mojave Desert. While growing up in this rural area, Holly’s family, and the town’s tight-knit community, instilled in her a passion for service.
This inspired her to study Sociology at UCLA, where she earned her B.A. degree. There, she cultivated her listening skills and analytical expertise.
Holly has lived in Clayton for over 20 years. She is happily married to her husband, Matt, and has two daughters, Jordan and Jada.
Professional Career:
After graduation, Holly first served her community as a school teacher. Later, she transitioned into a successful career in finance, where she managed client relationships for a major financial institution and built trust among key partners and stakeholders. While rising up the ladder, she developed a reputation as a go-getter who meets issues head-on and solves problems collaboratively. More recently, she has brought her management expertise to a local senior-serving nonprofit, where she serves as Vice President of Operations.
Community Service:
Holly first became involved in the Clayton community when her daughter started at Mt. Diablo Elementary School (MDE). She soon stepped up to serve as the President of the Parent Faculty Club (PFC) and on many other school committees, including the MDE School Site Council and Playfield Committee. She also co-ran the St. Bonaventure Track and Field program with her husband and served as Board Secretary for the Clayton Business & Community Association.
In 2020, Holly won a seat on the Clayton City Council standing on a platform centered around unity and constructive dialogue.
Over the last four years, Holly has been a strong voice for professionalism, good governance, fiscal stability and our quality of life, and has served in numerous roles including as:
Vice Mayor
Chair, Geological Hazard Abatement District
Budget and Audit Committee Member
Garbage and Recycling Committee Member
City Manager Search Committee Member
City Council Liaison to MDUSD, the Clayton Library Foundation and the Trails and Landscape Committee
Chair of the League of California Cities’ Community Services Policy Committee
Executive Board Member of the East Bay League of California Cities
Mt. Diablo Education Foundation (MDEDF) Board Member, Director of Student Engagement
Contra Costa Transit Authority Paratransit Coordinating Councilmember
Chair of Clayton Pride and co-MC for Concord Juneteenth
While on the council, Holly has:
Spearheaded Firewise communities to fight wildfires
Formulated the City’s outdoor cannabis ordinance
Approved funding for recreational infrastructure and a new playground
Increased Police Officer salaries to recruit and retain high quality officers
Approved funding for an additional Police Sergeant
Advocated for responsible budgeting
Sought new funding to fund critical infrastructure and city services
Advocated for a more inclusive community by co-organizing the Clayton Pride parades, Clayton’s Day of Service, and Clayton Speaks.
Advocated for modern technology at City Hall to make it easier to apply for permits and improve customer service